When You look in the mirror... can You honestly say that Your life’s choices reflect Your potential for Greatness???
Well I Want To Help You Get There!
Get Your Digital Copy Of  GREATNESS IS UPON YOU Now...
This book is where you change your course from a life of disappointments, failures, broken promises, selfish ambitions, and mediocrity to one of self-fulfilling
Eric Thomas
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Greatness Is Upon You is composed of 24 tried and tested principles from my own life. These are the keys to success that the Greats among us have used, and I have personally evolved as a result of each one of these principles.
What's Inside:
In Greatness Is Upon You, each chapter is sectioned to help you not just read a book, but create lasting change in your life!

This is WAY more than just a book!

The next 24 chapters are going to help you get involved with changing your history and your trajectory if you commit to applying the principles to your own life.

These 24 lessons are formatted as an ascension program, a program designed to help you move from where you are personally or professionally to a higher level of performance. 

Here's the format...

Day One: Learn It
The first day is structured for you to learn the principle and its foundations.

Day Two: Accept It
Plain and simple: once you learn the principle and the foundation behind it, you have to assess your life and accept how the information applies to choices you’ve made in your life.

Day Three: Embrace It
The activities on this day are just a hair of a step up from “Accept It”, but this day is used to show you how your actions or inactions have or will truly impact your life.

Day Four: Change It
Once you’ve learned, accepted, and embraced the information, this day is spent either going one step further toward progressing to the next level or actually learning strategies that you can use to advance.

Day Five: Live It
Use this time to take personal ownership of your life - rid yourself of excuses and make adjustments. This day allows you to sit down and create your game plan for the week to put what you’ve learned in to action and apply it to your daily life. 

This is your plan based off of what you’ve learned in that week. It can include a more detailed approach at some of the activities you performed during the week, new strategies that you believe will work for your lifestyle, or you can repeat the whole week over again. Whatever you do, use this day as your time to set the wheels in motion long term and commit to actually applying what you’ve learned to your life.

In addition, at the end of each week, you will find a “Greatness Is...” moment where I briefly mention a quote, story, company, or person in history that embodies Greatness. At the end of this section, reflect on what you’ve
learned that week (you can do this directly in this book or use the GIUY Success Journal) and assess whether you met the challenge that was extended to you in that lesson.

You can start at the beginning or use the Table of Contents to determine the best place for you to start. And don’t be afraid to spend extra time on a lesson - everyone’s start and end point are going to be different. Still, over the next several weeks, you will experience moments of love, anger,
laughter, and sadness. You will celebrate victories and
overcome a few pains. 

But most of all, you are going to take all of these principles and learn how they work to help you live and exceed your potential.

Whatever your individual course, we all share at least one commonality - the desire to be Phenomenal at all that we aspire to do - and I am here to help you meet your goals one lesson at a time. Get your GIUY Success Journal ready!

We are about to embark on a journey of average to good to great to Phenomenal... Greatness is upon you. 

I hope you’re ready!

Eric Thomas
You don’t have to be the best, 
you just have to want it and be willing to work for it like “the best” do!
Why Am I Giving It Away For FREE?
Because I'm ET!
And if by giving this book away for FREE, I can just help ONE PERSON break free from AVERAGE and start living the PHENOMENAL LIFE, it will be worth it...
“Comparison is the thief of joy,” a wise man once said. So why are you comparing what
you don’t have to what others do have? 

The only thing keeping you from having whatever you want is your will to have it.

That’s EXACTLY what I want for you…
This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Copy Now Before This Offer Ends...
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

P.S. In case you're one of those people who just skip to the end, here's the deal!

I'm sending you a DIGITAL PDF version of my best selling book, "Greatness Is Upon You" (that retails at $39.95) for just $4.95.

There's not catch... no gimmicks... 

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